Cracker: “Take Me (Back) To You” from Kerosene Hat

Home » Songs » Cracker: “Take Me (Back) To You” from Kerosene Hat
Cracker: Kerosene Hat

About “Take Me (Back) To You”

“Take Me (Back) To You” is a hidden song by Cracker from their album Kerosene Hat.

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About Kerosene Hat

Released in 1993, Cracker’s second album Kerosene Hat became a critical and commercial success, solidifying the band’s status as a prominent alternative rock act of the early 1990s. The album features a diverse range of tracks that incorporate elements of rock, country, and folk, with a distinctly quirky and irreverent vibe that is characteristic of the band’s style.

The album’s standout tracks include the hit singles “Low” and “Euro-Trash Girl,” which showcase lead singer David Lowery’s raw and emotive vocals, as well as the band’s knack for crafting catchy and memorable hooks. Other highlights include the upbeat “Get Off This,” which features a bouncy, sing-along chorus, and the introspective “Sweet Potato,” which sees Lowery musing on the passage of time and the meaning of life.

Kerosene Hat is a solid album that showcases Cracker’s unique blend of rock, country, and folk influences, and serves as a testament to the band’s enduring popularity and influence in the alternative rock scene.

How to find “Take Me (Back) To You”

On CD: Go directly to track #88

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Click here to buy Kerosene Hat on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)

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